Your Virtual Teaching Assistant – Saving Schools Time and Money with Real-Time Insights to Support and Inspire Young Readers.

Fonetti School Portal.

A multi award-winning classroom aid and teacher support.

The Fonetti School Portal is an award-winning classroom aid, recognised for its effectiveness in supporting teachers and enhancing the reading experience in educational settings. Its interactive and engaging approach makes it a valuable addition to any classroom, helping students improve their reading skills in a fun and supportive environment.

The portal provides real-time reading assessment data in interactive dashboards, enabling teachers to tailor their support to meet individual student needs effectively.

From Intent to Impact: Transforming reading skills for success.

  • Intent: Fonetti School Portal is an award-winning tool that enhances reading and supports teachers by fostering a love for reading in the classroom.

  • Implementation: With real-time reading data and continuous assessment, Fonetti helps teachers provide personalised, adaptive support for each student.

  • Impact: Fonetti boosts literacy and academic performance, helping schools showcase progress to Ofsted and promote educational excellence.

Independent reading on Fonetti builds confidence and promotes a lifelong love for books.

One to One Reading

Teachers don’t have time to read daily with every child. Fonetti acts as a virtual reading assistant, offering an interactive experience that helps pupils feel supported and confident as they read independently.

Supporting SEND & EAL

Fonetti is inclusive, supporting SEND, EAL, and dyslexic pupils with their reading that helps build confidence, improves literacy, and allows every child to progress at their own pace.

Connecting School and Home

Fonetti seamlessly connects school and home reading. Students can scan a QR code to access their Fonetti books at home, maintaining their reading momentum.

Engage Reluctant Readers

Reluctant readers can now find joy in reading with Fonetti. Our platform offers instant rewards, boosts language skills, and builds confidence in real-time, igniting a love of reading.

Supporting Reading at Home

Fonetti empowers children to continue reading at home independently, even if they lack adult support due to limited reading or language skills.

Fonetti saves schools time and budget.

  • Packages to suit all schools: Fonetti offers flexible reading packages, from 30 pupils for targeted intervention to whole-school solutions, with a 14-day free trial available.

  • Fonetti in School saves Money: Our usage data shows that 10 hours of weekly pupil reading on Fonetti can save schools £5,000 annually in resources (based on 42 weeks of use).

  • Streamlined Progress Tracking: Fonetti’s automated reporting simplifies tracking pupil progress, saving teachers time on end-of-term reading reports and monthly updates for governors and Ofsted.

Prices starting from just £3.32 per pupil per year

Based on average data from Fonetti school customers, 10 hours of combined pupil reading per week on Fonetti is saving some schools in the region of £5,000 in resources annually (based on term time usage).

Terms and Conditions

  • Excluding VAT

  • Ladybird library - Limited to 200 pupils in Average and Large School packages

  • Multi School Discounts available on application

A free annual resource for children at home and in school, helping to combat summer reading regression.

Founded by Fonetti and supported by dedicated education partners and sponsors, including Amazon/AWS, the National Read-Aloud Challenge is an annual, free resource designed to combat summer reading regression for children aged 5-15. Through the Fonetti app, young readers gain free access to a diverse, interactive library, making reading enjoyable while building vital skills and confidence.

As children progress through the challenge, they earn rewards and certificates, with the grand prize being an unforgettable trip to Amazon HQ for a special awards ceremony. Open to both schools and parents, this initiative is a powerful way to foster a lifelong love of reading and support children’s academic progress every summer.


Check out the results in our latest White Paper.

Our Accolades: